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Interview: South African official highlights comprehensive strategic partnership with China

Updated: December 8, 2023 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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TIANJIN, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- More efforts should be made to deepen pragmatic bilateral cooperation in various fields, including sports, education, and tourism, Alvin Botes, deputy minister of international relations and cooperation of South Africa, told Xinhua in an interview on Thursday.

"The relationship between South Africa and China is a comprehensive strategic partnership based on the bonds of friendship and brotherhood," Botes said.

During his visit to the Tianjin Huo Yuanjia Civil and Military School in north China's Tianjin Municipality, the hometown of Chinese Kung Fu legend Huo Yuanjia, the deputy minister communicated with the young people learning Chinese Kung Fu there.

"I am very impressed with what I have seen there," Botes said, adding that the Chinese martial arts training is cultivating young people physically and academically. "We can explore further cooperation in major areas such as culture and sports."

He also welcomed Chinese people to visit South Africa for economic and investment opportunities. "Economic diplomacy is the foundation for better cooperation among the people," Botes said.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and South Africa. "We are looking forward to another 25 years of friendly relations with the Chinese people," Botes said.

Editor: Duan Jing