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Belt and Road forum sees signing of agreements to promote cooperation in China-Laos Economic Corridor

Updated: December 8, 2023 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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VIENTIANE, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- The second Belt and Road Laos-China Cooperation Forum was held here on Thursday, seeing the signing of a number of agreements promoting cooperation in the China-Laos Economic Corridor.

At the forum, China Economic Information Service, a subsidiary of Xinhua News Agency, released a bilingual report titled New Opportunities of China-Laos Economic and Trade Cooperation in New Era.

The report summarizes the achievements of China-Laos economic and trade cooperation, demonstrating the key cooperation projects between China and Laos and foreseeing the broad opportunities for future cooperation between the two countries.

At the meeting, the Belt and Road Portal, the official website for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), launched a China-Laos Economic Corridor web page section officially and signed a memorandum of cooperation with Lao News Agency.

The bilingual column Silk Road Express of the Chinese Times (Laos) was officially launched, which will offer graphic and video information on the progress of Belt and Road projects and China-ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) cooperation to local people in Lao and English.

Chinese and Lao enterprises and organizations participating in the forum also signed cooperation agreements in various fields such as finance, communications, culture and tourism, etc.

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) signed a cooperation agreement with Laos-China Cooperation Committee. China Mobile International Limited signed a consultation partner agreement with KLS Sole Laos Limited on cooperation in the areas of virtual operator business and cloud data center in Laos.

Chinese and Lao tourism companies signed a memorandum of cooperation to promote China-Laos cultural exchanges.

During the forum, other activities were also held including a promotion event for key tourism projects of the Laos Year 2024, and a seminar on China-Laos agricultural cooperation and targeted poverty alleviation.

Participants also visited a photo exhibition on the achievements of the China-Laos community with a shared future.

The forum was jointly organized by the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism of Laos, Xinhua News Agency and the Lao Chinese Chamber of Commerce, under the theme of "China-Laos Community with Shared Future: New Era, New Opportunities, New Paradigm."

Editor: Duan Jing