China, S. Africa agree to build high-level community with shared future

Updated: August 23, 2023 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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PRETORIA, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- China and South Africa have agreed to work together to push bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level and build a high-level community with a shared future for the two countries.

Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with his South African counterpart Cyril Ramaphosa here on Tuesday. The two leaders exchanged views on the development of bilateral ties in the new era and international and regional issues of common concern.

The key, Xi said, to the good relations between China and South Africa and their deep friendship lies in the fact that the two countries and the two parties share weal and woe on their respective development paths and have forged a profound friendship.

He added that China is ready to work with South Africa to carry forward friendship, deepen cooperation and strengthen coordination.

Xi emphasized that China and Africa have always been a community with a shared future. Facing a volatile world, China and Africa need to strengthen unity and cooperation more than ever before.

China firmly supports African countries in uniting for self-improvement, the African Union in joining the G20, and Africa in promoting industrialization and modernization of agriculture, Xi noted.

Xi said that he looks forward to co-chairing the China-Africa Leaders' Dialogue with President Ramaphosa and working with other African leaders attending the meeting to draw a new blueprint for China-Africa unity and cooperation and promote the building of a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.

For his part, Ramaphosa said it is a great honor to receive Xi's fourth state visit to South Africa. China has provided valuable support for South Africa in its struggle for national independence and liberation as well as its national development, he added.

Calling China a sincere brother, friend and partner of South Africa, Ramaphosa noted that China has provided urgently needed assistance to South Africa during hard times like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Both South Africa and China pursue their own national development and prosperity, and share the same or similar positions on many major international affairs, Ramaphosa said, adding that since the establishment of diplomatic ties 25 years ago, South Africa has firmly adhered to the one-China principle, and the bilateral relationship has been flourishing.

He also mentioned that China's investment and cooperation have strongly promoted South Africa's economic and social development, and played a vital role in promoting the development and prosperity of African countries and countries in the Global South.

South Africa is ready to keep close party-to-party exchanges with China, carry out pilot cooperation in Chinese-style poverty reduction and expand cooperation in various areas including trade, investment, energy, infrastructure construction, manufacturing, science and technology, Ramaphosa said, adding that South Africa welcomes more Chinese enterprises to invest in the country.

Editor: Su Dan