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(FOCAC)Guest Opinion: Jointly build a closer China-Africa community with shared future to push forward China-Eritrea strategic partnership

Updated: September 2, 2024 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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by Li Xiang

The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) will be held in Beijing on Sept. 4-6. Chinese and African leaders will gather in Beijing again after six years to discuss future development and cooperation and exchange governance experience. H.E. President Isaias Afwerki will lead the delegation of Eritrea to attend this summit, following his historic state visit to China in May 2023. Through this summit, China and Africa will enhance their long-standing friendship and deepen unity and collaboration to open up new vistas for faster common development and start a new chapter for a China-Africa community with a shared future.

The world today is undergoing major changes unseen in a century. The waves of anti-globalization, unilateralism and protectionism are on the rise. Global crises such as geopolitical conflicts and climate change occur frequently. Humankind is at a crucial crossroads, and China-Africa cooperation and development are facing more uncertainty. China's answer to the question of "where is human society headed and how can China-Africa cooperation develop" is to build a closer China-Africa community with a shared future. This is the trend of the times and the common voice of the people of China and Africa.

Politically, China and Africa share the same aspirations and vision. China and Africa have supported each other in fighting imperialism, colonialism and racism based on similar suffering in recent history. In the struggle for national independence, China and Africa, as members of the "Global South," have been united in their common goal, extending mutual assistance and having been the most distinctive, steadfast and major supporters of each other's anti-imperialist, anti-colonial and anti-hegemonic struggles.

Economically, both China and Africa face the task of modernization. China is the world's largest developing country and the largest economy in the "Global South," while Africa is the continent with the highest concentration of developing countries and the greatest wealth of resources. Advancing their respective modernization is the historic mission of China and Africa. China will always walk side by side with Africa on its path to modernization and join hands with Africa to inject strong impetus into the promotion of an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization.

Culturally, China and Africa share similar values. Chinese culture is based on the concept of unity and harmony, and upholds the value of "paramount importance of peace" and "seeking harmony without uniformity," emphasizing "the whole world is one family." The philosophy of the traditional African value, Ubuntu, believes that "I am because we are," and emphasizes the interdependence and inseparability of people. There is also an Eritrean proverb that says, "Together, we can bring down the elephant." All of these reflect the importance that the people of China and Africa attach to solidarity and their shared future.

Looking back at the past and looking forward to the future at this critical juncture of history, the only way for China and Africa to tide over the difficulties and create a bright future is to sail in the same boat.

China and Africa must adhere to the principle of sovereign equality. Both China and Africa have had the tragic experience of being colonized, and we cherish the golden rule of sovereign equality, oppose the big abusing the small and the strong bullying the weak, advocate the equality of all countries, large and small, and oppose interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

China and Africa should realize the vision of peace and security. The security of one country cannot be built on the insecurity of others. China and Africa should support the Global Security Initiative, advocate the practice of a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable concept of security, promote development and security through cooperation, and build a more balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture.

China and Africa must pool their efforts to build prosperity together. To realize the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, no country should be left behind. China and Africa should actively implement the Global Development Initiative, advocate inclusive economic globalization and promote high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, so that the people of China and Africa can share the fruits of development.

China and Africa must uphold the concept of fairness and justice. The world is no longer a jungle world. Fairness and justice are our common pursuit. China and Africa should advocate the Global Civilization Initiative, practice true multilateralism, promote mutual understanding among peoples and promote tolerance and mutual appreciation among civilizations.

China and Africa must defend the common values of all humankind. Peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom are the common values of all humankind and the common pursuit of all peoples. We should respect the development paths and institutional models independently chosen by the people of all countries and refrain from imposing one's values and models on others or engaging in ideological confrontation.

China and Eritrea have established a strategic partnership, and are in a unique position to build a closer community with a shared future. The two countries share similar philosophies and their people maintain close contact. China has long been the largest trading partner of Eritrea, and the two countries have signed Memorandum of Understanding on Belt and Road cooperation. Both China and Eritrea advocate international fairness and justice, and have always supported each other on issues regarding each other's core interests and major concerns. In May last year, President Isaias paid a successful state visit to China, and the strategic partnership between China and Eritrea had been elevated to a new level.

As Chinese Ambassador to Eritrea, I will faithfully work with the Eritrean side to effectively implement the important consensus of the two heads of state. I am ready to be a sincere listener to the Eritrean government and people, a builder of friendship between China and Eritrea, and a promoter of bilateral practical cooperation to contribute to the building of a closer China-Africa and China-Eritrea community with a shared future.

Editor's note: Li Xiang is the Chinese ambassador to Eritrea.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of Xinhua News Agency.

Editor: Duan Jing