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Laos supports Belt and Road construction: Laos ambassador to China

Updated: October 17, 2019 Source: People’s Daily Online
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Laos supports the construction of the Belt and Road, as it will promote cooperation between China and ASEAN countries including Laos, as well as countries along the route of the Belt and Road, said Lao Ambassador to China Khamphao Ernthavanh.

Ernthavanh made these remarks when attending a forum on China-ASEAN cooperation Tuesday.

The newly appointed ambassador noted that Laos has become one of the prioritized investment destinations for Chinese investors, and in turn China has also offered substantial assistance for the development of Laos.

Laos is glad to participate in cooperation planning between the two countries in the aspects such as economy, trade and investment, she noted.

Ernthavanh said that the landform of Laos is very similar to the landforms found in the southwest Chinese province of Guizhou, and she hopes that Guizhou can enhance cooperation with their counterparts in northern Laos and send more economic teams there, so as to seek more cooperation opportunities.

She suggests that China and Laos make relevant mechanisms to promote communication for the purpose of advancing regional cooperation, especially in the aspect of cooperation between enterprises.

Editor: 王若寒