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Greece-China cooperation sets example for European countries, says Greek minister

Updated: October 21, 2019 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Having a stronger relationship with China is good for Greece, and their cooperation has set an example for European countries, said Adonis Georgiadis, Greek minister of development and investments.

Georgiadis said Chinese enterprises' investment in the Piraeus Port in Greece is a successful case of bilateral cooperation. He added that the success of this investment has exceeded expectations.

As a result of the investment, the upgraded Piraeus Port helps the products from China enter Europe in an easier way and at cheaper prices, he said.

The minister added that investment cooperation between Greece and China in the energy sector can also benefit other European countries. The two countries also have close cooperation in the shipping industry.

"I think Greece is a good example of cooperation with China, and this could help other European countries consider having more Chinese investments," he said.

The Belt and Road Initiative helps countries like Greece make it through tough times, he noted.

Georgiadis said China's trust strengthened other countries' confidence in Greece. "We will never forget that."

Georgiadis said both Greece and China are ancient civilizations, and this rich history can be an advantage for modern development.

"We want to have more Chinese investments in more sectors," he said, adding that Greece and China could also help each other foster the development of tourism.

"We want to find ways to enable Chinese banks to have branches in Athens and help the development of Greek business," he noted.

The second China International Import Expo will take place from Nov. 5 to 10 in Shanghai. Georgiadis said people can expect to see new products from the Greek agriculture, industry and technology sectors at the Greek pavilion.

Editor: 曹家宁