Discover Heilongjiang at 43° - 53° North Latitudes

Updated: May 11, 2020 Source: Xinhua Silk Road
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I am Heilongjiang, a northeastern China province, dwelling in this unique geo-zone. Harbin, also called the City of Ice, is my capital.

The 10-degree span on 43° - 53° North Latitudes is a mysterious geographic belt on earth that breeds top-class grassland with the widest spread of fertile black soil.

Spanning Europe, Asia, the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, it is often recognized as the "Golden Belt" for grain, meat, milk and cashmere.

I am Heilongjiang, a northeastern China province, dwelling in this unique geo-zone. Harbin, also called the City of Ice, is my capital.

The unique geo-location endows me with advantages in top-quality agricultural and husbandry products processing, rich forest resources and makes me the biggest grain production province in China.

Also famed as China‘’s Crown of Ice and Snow, I have rich ice and snow resources,  solid industrial foundation and the largest number of ski fields in China.

Editor: 赵银平