Chinese enterprises urged to invest in Zambia's new districts

Updated: June 10, 2020 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Chinese entrepreneurs are encouraged to consider investing in newly created districts in Zambia to help boost development and create jobs for the local people, a Zambian government official said on Tuesday.

Emmanuel Chihili, Mushindamo District Commissioner said partnering with Chinese enterprises in various economic developments is key for Zambia's national development.

"Mushindamo is a newly created district and requires greenfield investments, we appeal to Chinese firms to consider investing in the newly created district for economic development," he said.

Chihili said in an interview that Chinese enterprises could also expand the Multi-Facility Economic Zones (MFEZ) to new districts.

He said investments flow in the MFEZ in Chambishi and Lusaka was encouraging which should be duplicated in other parts of Zambia, especially in the newly created districts.

Chihili said Zambia's bilateral relation with China is built on a strong foundation which is focused on national development.

According to Chihili, the coming in of Chinese enterprises in various economic sectors is testimony enough that China is an all weather friend of Zambia.

Further, he said Chinese investments were being witnessed in most African countries and beyond.

And John Ng'andu, a resident of Mushinndamo said infrastructure development is cardinal for the district's economic growth.

Ng'andu is happy that the Zambian government has awarded a tender to Chinese contractor to construct Mushindamo-Kipushi road.

The Mushindamo-Kipushi road is an international route that links Zambia with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) through Kipushi border.

"Government should also consider engaging Chinese for other infrastructure development in the border district," he said.

Editor: 刘婷