China promotes health services for women, children amid epidemic

Updated: July 13, 2020 Source:
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With Saturday marking the 31st World Population Day, China has vowed to consolidate its gains in fighting the COVID-19 epidemic and provide strong guarantees for the health of women and children.

During the early stages of the epidemic, the China Family Planning Association actively participated in the prevention and control of the epidemic, and paid special attention to the reproductive health of frontline female medical workers and patients, including donating sanitary products to Hubei Province, once hit hard by COVID-19.

Chinese authorities have issued multiple circulars on epidemic prevention and control among children and pregnant women, and such efforts have continued as part of a regular epidemic response system.

Together with the United Nations Population Fund and the Partners in Population and Development, China's National Health Commission has also held a video conference to share experience on how pregnant women and newborns can cope with the virus.

The global theme of World Population Day this year is "Putting the brakes on COVID-19: How to Safeguard the Health and Rights of Women and Girls Now."

The United Nations designated July 11 as World Population Day in 1987 when the world population reached 5 billion.

Editor: 王予