China donates medical supplies for Ghana's COVID-19 fight

Updated: July 23, 2020 Source:
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First Lady of Ghana Rebecca Akufo-Addo (R, Front) gives a speech at a donation ceremony of China's medical supplies to Ghana, in Accra, capital of Ghana, on July 22, 2020. The Chinese government presented a consignment of medical supplies on Wednesday to help Ghana's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. (Xinhua/Xu Zheng)

First Lady of Ghana Rebecca Akufo-Addo (R) poses for a photo with Charge d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Ghana Zhu Jing in front of the medical supplies donated by China, in Accra, capital of Ghana, on July 22, 2020. The Chinese government presented a consignment of medical supplies on Wednesday to help Ghana's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. (Xinhua/Xu Zheng)

The Chinese government presented a consignment of medical supplies on Wednesday to help Ghana's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The medical supplies presented to the First Lady of Ghana Rebecca Akufo-Addo include face masks and thermometers.

Charge d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Ghana Zhu Jing, who presented the items, said the donation was in response to a request from the Organization of African First Ladies for Development to Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, to support the fight against the pandemic among mothers, children and young people to 53 African countries.

"At this critical moment as China and Ghana stand together facing the pandemic, this is a token of friendship from the Chinese people towards the Ghanaian people and a strong testament to the brotherhood of China and Ghana who have shared weal and woe over the years," Zhu said.

"This expression of profound feeling is an indelible deed in the history of China-Ghana friendship and shall always be remembered," he added.

In her remark, the Ghanaian First Lady expressed sincere gratitude to the Chinese government for the enormous support for Africa in these difficult moments.

"Today marks another milestone in the friendly relations between Ghana and China and is another proof of our warn relations. It is good to engage each other in order to restore normalcy to humanity because it is only by collective effort can we overcome this. Together, we can," she said.

Editor: 王予