Chinese FM says to work with Kenya to safeguard developing countries' common interests, int'l fairness

Updated: August 19, 2020 Source:
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Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Tuesday that China stands ready to work with Kenya to safeguard the common interests of developing countries as well as international fairness and justice.

In a phone conversation with Raychelle Omamo, Kenya's cabinet secretary for foreign affairs, Wang noted that Kenya is China's strategic partner in Africa, and mutual understanding, trust and support are the distinctive features of China-Kenya relations.

Under the guidance of the two heads of state, Wang said, practical cooperation between the two countries has been at the forefront of China-Africa cooperation.

China appreciates Kenya's firm support for China on issues concerning China's core interests and major concerns such as Taiwan and Hong Kong, Wang said, adding that China also supports Kenya in playing a greater role in international and regional affairs.

China stands ready to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Kenya to jointly safeguard the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, promote multilateralism, and oppose unilateral bullying, Wang added.

For her part, Omamo said Kenya is particularly grateful for China's strong support for its fight against COVID-19 and effort to achieve national development.

China has always been an important political, trade and development partner of Africa, she said, adding that Kenya firmly supports the one-China principle, staunchly supports China in safeguarding its sovereignty, and stands ready to work with China to uphold the core values of multilateralism.

The two sides also exchanged views on issues concerning the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.

Editor: 王予