Successful agro-industrial connection with China key to Argentina's economy, say experts

Updated: August 24, 2020 Source:
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A successful agro-industrial connection with China is key to Argentina's economic recovery amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Argentine experts have said.

"I have no doubt about the complementarity of Argentina's economy and the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) with China," said Diego Guelar, former Argentine ambassador to China, during a video conference.

The sanitary protocols between the two countries have a positive impact on Argentina's economy, said Guelar, adding that China and its market are key to help Argentina achieve its economy recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Only with China can we motorize all our regional economies, with blueberries and cherries in the south, with grapes in Mendoza (west), with lemons in Tucuman (north), with peas in Santa Fe (east), with honey in the province of Buenos Aires (center)," he added.

Ricardo Negri, former president of the National Service of Agri-food Health and Quality, said that China's demographic change and new consumer trends such as the growing demand for meat can have an impact on Argentina's exports.

"Not so long ago, 80 percent of China's population was rural, and today the number is just under 40 percent, and that impacts the market," said Negri.

At the end of May, the National Agricultural Food Health and Quality Service highlighted the consistency in beef, poultry and pork exports to China, despite the pandemic, with shipments to China increasing 17 percent in the first four months of 2020 year-on-year.

"Argentina has a phenomenal opportunity in China due to their complementarity," he said, adding that agribusiness with China is a powerful engine for development, employment generation and economy recovery, especially if the link is strengthened.

China became Argentina's largest trading partner in April, with Argentina's main exports to China being products such as soybeans, beef, seafood, and oils, said Guillermo Chaves, chief of staff of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship.

Editor: 于慧宸