China vows continued support to South Sudan's education sector

Updated: September 29, 2020 Source:
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The Chinese government on Monday vowed to continue providing technical and material assistance to South Sudan to help the east African country develop its education sector.

"We believe children are the future of a country, so no matter how difficult the situation is, we need to continue giving education to all children," said Hua Ning, Chinese Ambassador to South Sudan.

"China is going to invest about 20 million U.S. dollars for the phase-two technical cooperation program on education and we are also considering how to further support the school reopening process," the Chinese envoy said.

The three-year China-aided education program seeks to strengthen South Sudan's education sector through capacity building for education officials and printing of textbooks for use in public schools.

"The Chinese government always put educational cooperation as one of our priorities between South Sudan and China," Hua said.

The Chinese Embassy in Juba also on Monday donated 10,000 face masks to the Ministry of General Education and Instructions to help in the fight against COVID-19.

Awut Deng Achuil, Minister of General Education hailed the education cooperation between the two countries.

"We are grateful to the Chinese people and government for the support they are giving to the ministry of education. This support will enhance teachers' skills to help deliver better knowledge to our children," Achuil said.

The official added that the Chinese anti-COVID-19 donation will also boost South Sudan's fight against the novel coronavirus when schools reopen next week after six months of lockdown.

"This donation will enable a safe opening of schools and protect our staff, teachers, and the students, Achuil said.

Editor: 王予