Feature: Zambia officials hail Zambia-China friendship

Updated: October 26, 2020 Source: Xinhuanet.com
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Many Zambians have more reasons to be happy about the Zambia-China ties as Zambia is celebrating her 56th independence anniversary on October 24.

This is the time that the country looks back on that day of freedom and how far the country has liberated itself in different spheres. For the people of Chongwe, a Zambian town in Lusaka province this is not different either. Chongwe is a district of Zambia, located in Lusaka Province. It is an agricultural town that has most of its inhabitants either engaged in agriculture or dealing in agricultural-related businesses.

Geoffrey Chumbwe, Chongwe mayor, in an interview with Xinhua, recounted how the town has particularly benefited from the Zambia-China relationship.

In his opinion, the country was commemorating a two-fold achievement. He said that as the country celebrates her freedom from colonial powers, it was celebrating the 56 years of the mutually beneficial relationship between Zambia and China.

According to him, this relationship had resulted in immense benefits for Chongwe and the country at large. He cited the twinning of Chongwe to Mianyang of Sichuan Province in southwest China as one great achievement that had resulted in massive development in the town.

He disclosed that the district had experienced a number of Chinese investments because of this twinning. He pointed to these as one reason to celebrate this long-standing relationship that ties in with the length of the country's independence.

He was proud to state that the Chinese community has helped to move the country from poor infrastructure to improved infrastructure. According to him, there would be no meaningful development without development in various sectors.

He cited the improved road network that has been necessitated by Chinese contractors, the setting up of various industries in the town as some of the great achievements. He particularly named Sinoma Mpande Limestone Limited, Zhong Yang Eco-agriculture Industrial Park, and Chenguang Biotech (Zambia) Agri-Dev Limited as some of the Chinese companies that have helped to enhance the independence of families who have been employed by the firms or dealing in products that are produced by these companies.

Another government leader, Robster Mwanza, who is the district commissioner, observed that the independence of Zambia cannot be complete without the mention of China as a country that has stood with Zambia since the independence year.

He described the relationship that was espoused by Zambia's founding President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda and Chairman Mao of China as one that will remain etched in the history of the two countries. Mwanza said that this relationship had resulted in many achievements. He mentioned the construction of the railway line from Kapiri Mposhi in Zambia to Dar es Salaam in Tanzania by the Chinese people as a great sign of this friendship. He pointed out that some Chinese people even lost lives during the construction period in the 1970s.

He was however delighted to note that the Chinese people had chosen Chongwe as the final resting place for the martyrs of that great construction phase. He said that the Tanzania-Zambia memorial park which was being constructed in Ntandabale ward in the district would continue to serve as a true sign of friendship between the two countries.

A local government civic leader, Evans M'hambi, also added his voice and told Xinhua that the people of Chongwe were happy to associate with the people of China. He said that the independence day of Zambia is a time of great celebration and appreciation of those who have been good partners. He pointed out that the Chinese community in Chongwe have been very supportive to the people of Chongwe.

He disclosed that the Chinese community had offered to construct a computer laboratory at Evergreen Primary school in the town. He said that the Chinese people have also been very supportive during the period of the novel coronavirus and had donated various COVID-19 preventive materials to various institutions.

Editor: 王予