Egyptian, Chinese partners display automotive products in smart transport fair in Cairo

Updated: November 24, 2020 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Egyptian, Chinese partners display automotive products in smart transport fair in Cairo
Egyptian, Chinese partners display automotive products in smart transport fair in Cairo
Egyptian, Chinese partners display automotive products in smart transport fair in Cairo
Egyptian, Chinese partners display automotive products in smart transport fair in Cairo
Egyptian, Chinese partners display automotive products in smart transport fair in Cairo

Egyptian and Chinese partners in the automotive industry are displaying their products in the third edition of the Smart Transportation and Logistics Fair and Forum for the Middle East and Africa (TransMEA 2020) held in Egypt's capital Cairo on Nov. 22-25.

The products on view include vehicles, buses, minibuses, railcars, natural gas engines and more.

At one of the booths in the vast exhibition hall, Egypt's Geyushi Motors displayed locally assembled buses made by China's Yutong, one of the world's leading bus makers.

"We introduced for the first time in the Egyptian market natural gas-fuelled minibuses. Our target is to produce between 300 and 400 buses per year as a beginning and we have a plan to reach a production capacity between 2,000 and 3,000 units annually in five years," Ayman Attiya, head of sales sector at Geyushi Motors, told Xinhua.

The Egyptian engineer said Geyushi began cooperation with Yutong in 2018, when they signed a contract to initially supply 125 passenger buses to Egypt's Holding Company for Maritime and Land Transport.

"Now, Geyushi and Yutong produce different sizes of buses for more customers in Egypt including public transportation companies, tourism companies, schools, universities and government institutions," he noted.

Weichai, a renowned Chinese engine manufacturer for trucks, buses and construction machinery, also showcased a variety of products in the regional smart transportation fair.

Liu Hui, head of the North African branch of the company, said Weichai currently provides various products in Egypt including gas-fuelled vehicle engines, power generation engines, ship engines, construction machinery, luxury boats and smart logistics.

"We have established partnerships with several Egyptian companies, such as Geyushi Motors, Manufacturing Commercial Vehicles (MCV) and Abou Ghaly Motors. We also provide services to transform diesel engines into gas-fuelled engines," Liu told Xinhua.

He explained that the Egyptian government is keen on promoting the use of electric and gas-fuelled vehicles, which are among the specialities of Weichai.

"We are willing to work with our partners in Egypt to increase investment to boost local employment and contribute to the Egyptian industrial process," the Weichai's official noted.

Several other Chinese firms, along with global, regional and local companies and organizations, also took part in the four-day TransMEA 2020, which is held as Egypt is heading toward building smart cities and modern transportation systems as well as upgrading its road networks. 

Editor: Liu Ting