Hong Kong holds online forum on B&R opportunities, economic recovery

Updated: December 1, 2020 Source: Xinhuanet.com
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The two-day Belt and Road Summit organized by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government started Monday online, focused on Belt and Road (B&R) opportunities and the global economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.

When addressing the forum, HKSAR Chief Executive Carrie Lam stressed Hong Kong's advantage in bridging mainland and overseas markets and contributing to sound and sustainable financing and partnership along the Belt and Road.

Hong Kong also boasts multi-talented financial and related services professionals, the rule of law, an open and efficient market, the free flow of capital, information and people, and a simple and low tax regime, Lam said.

Commissioner of the Chinese foreign ministry in the HKSAR Xie Feng said COVID-19 has impacted the global economy and posed unprecedented challenges to economic globalization.

The Belt and Road Initiative and globalization will advance in tandem and complement each other, with high-quality Belt and Road cooperation making the new type of globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all, Xie said.

Over the past seven years, China has launched more than 2,000 projects with Belt and Road partners, Xie said, voicing support for Hong Kong in expanding exchanges and cooperation and serving as the super-connector along the Belt and Road.

Wang Bingnan, China's vice minister of commerce, also expressed support for Hong Kong in developing the Belt and Road platform, integrating into the country's development and taking advantage of opportunities in the mainland markets.

Wang said the Ministry of Commerce will also actively support Hong Kong in participating in the international and regional economic cooperation.

Co-organized by the HKSAR government and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, this year's summit is the fifth since 2016, attracting attendees from government officials to business leaders from countries and regions along the Belt and Road to discuss opportunities the Belt and Road brings.

Editor: Yu Huichen