E. China's Jiangsu proposes multiple measures to promote development of cross-border e-commerce

Updated: February 20, 2021 Source: Xinhuanet.com
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East China's Jiangsu Province recently issued opinions to boost the high-quality development of cross-border e-commerce, the first of its kind in the province, reported the Xinhua Daily on Thursday.  

Seven departments in Jiangsu Province jointly formulated the opinions, specifying the development goals for the cross-border e-commerce in 2022 and 2025, and putting forward a total of 20 measures to achieve the goals. 

According to the opinions, the functions of free trade zones and comprehensive bonded zones should be fully mobilized to build a batch of industrial parks with the whole industrial chain of cross-border e-commerce. A group of cross-border e-commerce incubation bases and incubation centers should be introduced or cultivated.

Meanwhile, eligible enterprises are encouraged to deploy public overseas warehouses in main sales areas and emerging markets. Efforts should be made to promote the digital transformation of traditional foreign tradeenterprises, cultivate and introduce platform-based leading enterprises and cross-border e-commerce service enterprises.

Enterprises are encouraged to make use of cross-border e-commerce platforms or self-built ones to receive export orders, and develop the Business to Business to Consumer (B2B2C) stocking model supported by overseas warehouses and new import models such as Online To Offline (O2O).

In addition, enterprises in the comprehensive bonded zones will be granted support to conduct cross-border e-commerce business, and boost the integrated development of new business models including cross-border e-commerce, comprehensive foreign trade services, and market procurement trade.

An official from the Department of Commerce of Jiangsu Province said that Jiangsu will step up efforts to promote the development of cross-border e-commerce to complement with Jiangsu's foreign trade scale, tap the advantages of the industrial chain suitable for the development of cross-border e-commerce, provide support for traditional enterprises to develop cross-border e-commerce, and help local governments establish cross-border e-commerce industrial parks, agglomeration areas and business incubation bases.

Editor: 杜俊知