New Zealand Art Alliance boosts New Zealand-China art exchange

Updated: March 22, 2021 Source:
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The New Zealand Art Alliance was launched on Sunday to promote the New Zealand-China art exchange amid an exhibition in Auckland featuring art pieces by both Chinese and New Zealand artists.

Over 60 art pieces by traditional Chinese painting artists and contemporary Chinese artists, as well as contemporary New Zealand artists, were on Sunday's art exhibition, which was organized by Ai International Art Gallery, an Auckland-based international art organization.

The New Zealand Art Alliance, an alliance of 78 artists from New Zealand, China, the United States, Australia, Japan and Southeast Asia countries online and off-line, launched on Sunday amid the art exhibition was designed to function as an international art exchange platform to develop art exhibition, art exchange, art tour, and art residence opportunities in 2021.

Yuan Zong, CEO of the Ai International Art Gallery, said the purpose of the art exhibition and the establishing of the New Zealand Art Alliance is to explore international exchanging opportunities for New Zealand artists, Chinese artists and artists from other countries overseas for art sketching, art tours and art exhibitions in New Zealand in post-COVID-19 settings.

"We are looking forward to all-around international art cooperation and exchange by further promoting New Zealand arts to the international market and attracting Chinese and overseas artists to New Zealand," said Zong.

New Zealand artist Evan Woodruffe believed that the New Zealand Art Alliance will bring more art exchange opportunities for artists from both New Zealand and China. He was also looking forward to visiting China again for art exchanges.

New Zealand Member of Parliament Naisi Chen and Auckland Councillor Paul Young welcomed the launch of the New Zealand Art Alliance in their keynote speeches to a fully packed audience of artists from across New Zealand, community leaders and art lovers.

Editor: 王予