China, Bahrain to set example of equal treatment, mutual respect between big, small countries: Chinese FM

Updated: March 31, 2021 Source:
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China, Bahrain to set example of equal treatment, mutual respect between big, small countries: Chinese FM
China, Bahrain to set example of equal treatment, mutual respect between big, small countries: Chinese FM

Visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday expressed China's wishes to work with Bahrain to set an example of equal treatment, mutual respect and mutual benefit between big and small countries.

Wang made the remarks during a meeting with Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa in Bahrain's capital Manama. He conveyed Chinese President Xi Jinping's kind regards to King Hamad.

"We cherish the positive progress that China-Bahrain relations have made over the years," Wang said, adding that China has always advocated equality among all countries regardless of their size.

Wang said that China appreciates Bahrain's consistent and firm support for China on issues concerning China's core interests, and is willing to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Bahrain in political, economic and trade, cultural and other fields, so as to promote the friendly and cooperative relations between the two sides to advance with the times, benefit the two peoples, and boost regional peace and development.

China, to the best of its ability, will continue to provide support and assistance to Bahrain in its fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, Wang added.

Noting that the current tendency of politicizing the human rights issue deserves high vigilance, Wang pointed out that some Western countries frequently use human rights as an excuse to interfere in other countries' internal affairs and undermine their stability, which in fact violates the value of human rights.

All countries should uphold the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs, safeguard the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and abide by the basic norms governing international relations, Wang said, stressing that major countries in particular should play a leading role in this regard.

China is willing to strengthen solidarity and coordination with Bahrain and other developing countries, safeguard the two countries' common interests, protect the development right of developing countries, and uphold international fairness and justice, said Wang.

China firmly supports Bahrain in safeguarding its national sovereignty, independence and stability, and is happy to see Bahrain play an active role in maintaining regional peace, Wang said.

King Hamad asked Wang to convey his sincere greetings and best wishes to President Xi and said that Bahrain and China have established sound mutual trust and achieved fruitful results in bilateral cooperation, which has strongly supported Bahrain's development, and for which the kingdom is very grateful.

Bahrain wishes to push for further in-depth development of bilateral relations on the current basis and holds a positive attitude towards strengthening cooperation with China in political, economic and other fields, the king added.

King Hamad pointed out that Bahrain is among the first countries to cooperate with China in carrying out the Phase III international clinical trial of COVID-19 vaccine and hopes to continue to deepen the vaccine cooperation with China.

Bahrain admires China's achievements in its development and opposes narrow views on concepts of human rights, agrees to adhere to the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs, supports China in safeguarding its legitimate rights and interests, and backs China's efforts in maintaining regional and world peace and development, he stressed.

The two sides also exchanged in-depth views on international and regional issues of common concern.

Wang also met with Bahrain's Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa and held talks with Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani on the same day.

Editor: 王予