China Hebei sees foreign trade up 32.9% year-on-year to RMB163.76 billion from January to April

Updated: May 19, 2021 Source: Xinhua Silkroad
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Aerial photo taken on April 25, 2021 shows the Nanhu lake park in Tangshan City, north China's HebeiProvince.

North China's Hebei Province witnessed its foreign trade hike 32.9 percent year on year to 163.76 billion yuan in the January-April period this year, local authorities said recently.

Of its total, Hebei's export volume stood at 92.66 billion yuan, up 37.5 percent year on year, and the total import volume picked up 27.3 percent year on year to 71.1 billion yuan.

In April alone, Hebei recorded surging trade volume with its major trading partners such as the United States, which hiked 81 percent year on year to 21.37 billion yuan, while the province realized a total of 17.73 billion yuan of foreign trade with the ASEAN countries, up 7.5 percent compared with same period last year.

During the January-April period, Hebei's import and export volume with Brazil, the Republic of Korea (ROK), Russia and India totaled 11.07 billion yuan, 7.35 billion yuan, 6.07 billion yuan, and 5.56 billion yuan, respectively.

Among which, the imports and exports volume to Russia and India surged 66.8 percent and 53 percent year on year, respectively.

The foreign trade volume of registered enterprises settled in Hebei's major comprehensive bonded zone located in Caofeidian soared 589.9 percent to 8.13 billion yuan in the first four months.

Mechanical and electrical, labor intensive products and steel were among the major items that contributed to the export growth.

Editor: 王予