China Hainan FTP vows to promote international tourism and cultural dev. in 2021-2025

Updated: July 15, 2021 Source: Xinhua Silk Road
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Tourists surf in the water of Tenghai fishing village in Sanya, south China's HainanProvince, July 9, 2021. (Xinhua/Zhang Liyun)

South China's Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP) pledged to make significant achievements in building itself into an international tourism consumption center by 2025, to enhance its competitive edge in the global market, according to the 14th Five-Year Plan for the cultural tourism industry issued by the province recently.

Based on the construction of FTP, Hainan Province is expected to become an internationally renowned tourism hotspot that integrates vacation, health, shopping and international exhibition by 2025.

According to the plan, Hainan will build a number of bases in the province to promote international cultural exchanges, such as China's foreign cultural trade base, the Belt and Road (B&R) cultural exchange base, and the world cultural and art trade base.

Priorities will also be given to building Hainan into B&R international sports and cultural exchange center and a national sports reform pilot demonstration zone.

Editor: Yang Qian