Xi'an city stands out for building global image

Updated: December 15, 2021 Source: en.xa.gov.cn
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Xi'an – capital city of Northwest China's Shaanxi province – was selected as one of the 2021 Top 10 Pioneering Chinese Cities in Building Global Image, according to a report released at the First Forum on Global Communication of Chinese Cities held in Beijing on Dec 10.

The other nine were Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan and Suzhou.

The report took on China's provincial capital cities, sub-provincial cities and characteristic local cities as the research objects. It conducted evaluations and analysis of their overseas influence.

The improvement of Xi'an's overseas influence is reportedly related to its continuous economic development and the enhancement of the soft power of the city's cultural image.

In recent years, Xi'an has reportedly been committed to telling its story to the world. It has been promoting its cultural and tourism brands such as "Qiannian Gudu, Changlai Chang'an" and "Enjoy Chinese New Year in Xi'an".

It is widely said that especially in the wake of  the successful staging of the 14th National Games, a large number of promotional videos and news reports that promoted Xi'an aroused  attention and stimulated spirited discussions among international netizens.

Moving forward, plans are for the city to continue to recount its story internationally, to spread Chinese culture and enhance its competitiveness and influence – allowing more people to learn about Xi'an.

Editor: Hu Pingchao