Interview: China fundamental to Caribbean development, expert says

Updated: May 1, 2022 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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HAVANA, April 30 (Xinhua)-- China is fundamental to the development of Caribbean countries in the coming years, a Cuban expert said here on Friday.

"The outcome of the bilateral relations of half a century between China and the Caribbean has been very positive in the economic and trade fields alike," Eduardo Regalado, senior researcher at the International Policy Research Center of Cuba, told Xinhua in an interview.

Thanks to China, concrete works have been materialized in Caribbean countries despite economic vulnerability, he noted.

Regalado said that the two sides "have strengthened their cooperation in the fields of agriculture, fishery, tourism, services and infrastructure," which has been highly beneficial for the Caribbean, and they have also advanced collaboration during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Commenting on a foreign ministers' meeting held Friday via video link between Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and nine Caribbean countries that have diplomatic relations with China, Regalado said both sides "have expressed their political will to develop their bilateral relations," adding that effective strategies have been set to create new opportunities.

Looking into the future, the expert suggested that the two sides further enhance mutual understanding through various channels, and level up cooperation and collaboration in the environmental and medical fields.

"China and the Caribbean could work together on the area of climate change impacts," which is essential for the Caribbean as many countries in the region could be affected by sea level rise, Regalado said.

Also, China has achieved fast development in renewable energy, "from which Caribbean nations could learn a lot," he said.

"It is fundamental to improve the performance of the health systems in the Caribbean when it comes to equipment, technology transfer and training of human resources," for which Caribbean countries need China's support, he added. 

Editor: Tian Shenyoujia