China-Britain hydrogen energy cooperation enjoys huge potential, broad prospects: ambassador

Updated: May 3, 2022 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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MANCHESTER, Britain, May 1 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Ambassador to Britain Zheng Zeguang has praised the China-Britain joint efforts in hydrogen development and encouraged both sides to conduct more mutually beneficial cooperation in the future.

In recent years, China and Britain have carried out joint projects in hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen industrial parks, and such mutually beneficial cooperation in hydrogen energy has huge potential and broad prospects for further growth, said Zheng.

He made the remarks on Thursday while addressing the opening ceremony of the China-UK Hydrogen Energy Cooperation Forum, which was co-hosted online from the central Chinese city of Wuhan and Britain's second largest city of Manchester.

The two sides should encourage local governments to strengthen communication, dock their policy measures, build platforms for business partnerships and create new highlights of mutually beneficial cooperation, said Zheng.

"We should promote international cooperation on hydrogen energy standards, foster a sound environment for the development of the international hydrogen energy industry, and contribute to its sustained and healthy development," said the ambassador.

Speaking to the participants of the forum, Zheng said that the forum is important for implementing the consensus between the leaders of the two countries on enhancing cooperation on green development and ecological conservation.

The two-day forum hosted discussions on current developments and opportunities of cooperation in the hydrogen energy industry among government representatives as well as hydrogen energy specialists, scientists and business leaders from both sides.

At the opening ceremony, Wuhan City and Manchester City, which became sister cities in 1986, signed a memorandum of understanding on hydrogen energy industry exchange and cooperation, and Wuhan University of Technology and Manchester Metropolitan University signed a letter of intent on hydrogen energy cooperation. 

Editor: Yu Huichen