Traditional Chinese medicine cures Maltese patient of sciatica

Updated: May 18, 2022 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Daniel Bugeja is interviewed by Xinhua at the Mediterranean Regional Centre for Traditional Chinese Medicine (MRCTCM) in Malta on April 28, 2022. (Chen Wenxian/Xinhua)

Founded in 1994, the MRCTCM is a Sino-Maltese health cooperative, with around 100 Chinese physicians who have treated around 200,000 patients to date.

VALLETTA, May 17 (Xinhua) -- Around six months ago, Daniel Bugeja could hardly walk due to back and leg pains caused by sciatica -- despite taking many pills. Things got even worse when he caught COVID-19.

However, following acupuncture treatment at the Mediterranean Regional Centre for Traditional Chinese Medicine (MRCTCM) in Malta, Bugeja is regaining both his independence and his social life.

The 51-year-old Maltese national, who works for a government department, began TCM treatment in November last year. His debilitating pain had started about two years before.

So far, Bugeja has had the TCM treatment almost 20 times. "It has helped me get my life back," he told Xinhua.

Founded in 1994, the MRCTCM is a Sino-Maltese health cooperative, with around 100 Chinese physicians who have treated around 200,000 patients to date.

Patient Daniel Bugeja is treated with acupuncture in Paola, Malta, on April 28, 2022. (Chen Wenxian/Xinhua)

Bugeja first tried acupuncture after a friend had recommended it. In turn, he now recommends it to friends dealing with similar problems -- even if they are scared of needles.

In late December, he had spent three days in bed and 14 days in quarantine at home after becoming infected with COVID-19. However, even after he recovered, he was still coughing and feeling very lethargic -- even climbing a flight of stairs was too difficult for him.

When he restarted treatment at the MRCTCM for his sciatica, his doctor, Zhou Lingyun, suggested he try acupuncture to treat his cough and restore his strength.

"I did not take any medicines and the cough went," Bugeja said.

Regarding his sciatica, his previous doctors had told him he would have to live with the pain, and he had accepted it. The pills he took made him anxious and upset his stomach. Nothing worked -- except Chinese medicine.

Dr. Zhou Lingyun, a member of the 17th Chinese Medical Team for Malta, treats patient Daniel Bugeja with acupuncture in Paola, Malta, on April 28, 2022. (Chen Wenxian/Xinhua)  

"Now my back is fine!" he told Xinhua.

He had previously been intrigued by Asian culture, and knew about TCM. However, he said:

"I never thought I would use it myself," he said. "Now I tell people to go to the Chinese clinic and you will be okay." 

Editor: Su Dan