GLOBALink | Chinese-built railway to benefit local socio-economic development: Malawi officials

Updated: May 24, 2022 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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A Chinese company started to help Malawi build a railway on Saturday in south Malawi's Nsanje.

NSANJE, Malawi, May 23 (Xinhua) --A Chinese company started to help Malawi build a railway on Saturday in south Malawi's Nsanje.

The 72-kilometer MK 68.8 billion railway is contracted by the China Railway 20 Bureau Group Corporation (CR20).

It will be part of the Sena Corridor that provides a rail connection to the Beira Port in Mozambique for landlocked Malawi.

The construction work is expected to take 18 months.

Local officials say, upon completion, the railway project will benefit the local socio-economic development.

Produced by Xinhua Global Service

Editor: Tian Shenyoujia