Nigerian expert perceives China-Africa cooperation as iconic

Updated: July 13, 2022 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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ABUJA, July 12 (Xinhua) -- A Nigerian expert has said China-Africa cooperation is one of the most iconic relations in the world for its significance in contributing to the changing landscape in Africa.

Although China-Africa cooperation is open, transparent and the most scrutinized, the Western media establishment scavenges every corner to smear and bring odium to it, said Charles Onunaiju, director of the Abuja-based Center for China Studies, in a recent article in Nigeria's daily the Daily Trust.

He referred to a recent documentary by a Western media outlet, titled "Africa-Eye: Racism for Sale," which he sees as an exceptional case in smearing China-Africa cooperation.

"In the long trajectories of China-Africa cooperation spanning from solidarity, shared experience in combating colonialism, racism, and imperialism to the contemporary time of pragmatic and practical cooperation characterized by win-win and tangible results, there has been no juncture or corner that can be associated with racial arrogance or prejudice," Onunaiju said.

According to the expert, the video is in no way representative of the people-to-people cooperation currently at the heart of China-Africa cooperation.

China-Africa cooperation is well known for its significance in contributing to the changing landscape in Africa, like filling the historic infrastructure gaps, he said.

"China-Africa cooperation is a window of fresh air for both sides, and it is only reasonable that such a window of mutual opportunities and win-win cannot be shut because some few insects flew in," Onunaiju said.

Editor: Jiang Feifan