Xi conveys to EU message of partnership

Updated: June 23, 2020 Source: China Daily
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President Xi Jinping talks with European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen in a videoconference in Beijing on June 22, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

Chinese leader proposes working together to safeguard international peace, stability

President Xi Jinping called on China and the European Union on Monday to expand common interests and solve difficult issues during the process of cooperation and development and to build a bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership with global influence.

In a videoconference with European Council President Charles Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Xi reaffirmed China's commitment to deepening reform and expanding opening-up, which will provide a new round of cooperative opportunity and room for development for the EU.

China is a partner, rather than a rival, and there is no fundamental conflict of interests between the two sides, he said, adding that the cooperation and consensus between them far outweighs competition and differences. He urged both sides to respect the other, seek common ground while shelving differences and keep enhancing mutual understanding and trust.

China and Europe should be the two major forces that safeguard global peace and stability, and Beijing is willing to communicate with Brussels over major issues, he said.

China and the EU have extended each other support and help since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, Xi said.

Beijing stands ready to work with Brussels to make bilateral relations even more stable, mature and elevated to a higher level during the post-pandemic period, he said.

China, as an ancient country with a long history and a developing country full of vitality, will always pursue peace instead of hegemony, he said.

The country has focused all its policies and efforts on enabling its people to live better lives, and it will continue unwaveringly to follow a path of peaceful development, he added.

Xi expressed his belief that the EU will keep heading toward unity, stability, openness and prosperity, saying that China stands ready to bolster strategic cooperation with the EU to jointly cope with global challenges.

China and the EU must be the two big markets that drive global growth and prosperity, and the two economies must assume their roles as the twin engines of the world economy, he said.

The two sides must jointly support businesses reopening in a scientific and orderly manner, step up coordination in macroeconomic policies and ensure stable and unimpeded global industry and supply chains to lead the global economic recovery, he said.

Xi underlined the significance of ensuring two-way opening-up of markets, saying bilateral investment talks must be expedited and bilateral cooperation in green and digital areas must be strengthened to form a green development partnership.

The two sides must step up trilateral cooperation with Africa, he said.

China and the EU should uphold multilateralism and improve global governance, Xi said, adding that China will also be an advocate of multilateralism and adhere to its vision on global governance-consultation and contribution for shared benefits-no matter how the international landscape changes.

Xi expressed China's appreciation to the EU for its firm commitment to upholding multilateralism, its participation in the global pandemic response and the bloc's decision to scale up investment in international organizations such as the World Health Organization.

He said China is willing to step up coordination and cooperation with the EU over major international and regional issues, step up dialogue and cooperation over global public health governance and forge a global community of health for all.

The first official meeting between Chinese leaders and the new EU leadership was held as they celebrated the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations.

Last year, the EU was China's biggest trading partner, and China was the EU's second-largest trading partner.

The meeting was held after the virtual 22nd China-European Union leaders' meeting, co-chaired by Premier Li Keqiang and Michel and von der Leyen via videoconference.

Li said the two sides must work toward reaching a comprehensive, balanced and high-level investment agreement before the end of this year and enable the signing of bilateral agreement on geographical indications on products' origins.

The two EU leaders voiced their hope that talks on the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment can be concluded this year as scheduled, and that the two sides can bolster cooperation in areas such as connectivity, trade, investment and the digital economy.

They said the COVID-19 pandemic has not weakened either of the two sides' intentions to work together and the two sides have supported each other and shown solidarity during the coronavirus response. The EU is willing to bolster cooperation on economic recovery with China and further open up markets while jointly upholding multilateralism and free trade, they said.

Editor: 杜俊知