Traditional Chinese medicine producer receives award from SCO leader

Updated: August 7, 2020 Source: Global Times
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Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Secretary General Vladimir Norov delivered a special award on Wednesday to a Chinese traditional medicine (TCM) producer Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical Co for its contribution to the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic in SCO member states, marking a growing recognition of the TCM and its role in treating the disease not only in China but overseas.

Yiling Pharmaceutical recently donated 200,000 boxes of the company's Lianhuaqingwen capsules, with the total value of 2.96 million yuan ($426,000) to the SCO Secretariat in Beijing, which will be allocated to different SCO member countries, according to a report by the company.

Norov spoke highly of China's friendly assistance to the SCO member states and other countries at the donation ceremony on Wednesday, and thanked the company for its contribution.

China's successful experience in fighting COVID-19 has provided a good reference for SCO countries, said Norov, noting that in the prevention and control of the epidemic in China, TCM has demonstrated its unique advantages and made important contributions.

Yiling Pharmaceutical's patented Lianhuaqingwen capsules have been recommended for the treatment of COVID-19 by some authorities and experts, making it the most frequently recommended proprietary Chinese medicine.

Despite the bias and questioning from some foreign media over TCM and its effectiveness in treating the disease, it is still receiving rising recognition in many countries and regions worldwide.

Lianhuaqingwen capsule has been licensed to be listed in more than 10 countries and regions including Canada, Indonesia, Brazil and Romania, and has started its registration work in more than 30 countries around the world, according to the company's public report.

TCM has proven to be effective in treating the coronavirus, and China is willing to help foreign countries if they are willing to use Chinese medicine. "We will do our best to help them, but will not push them to use it," Yu Zhibin, a director with the China Chamber of Commerce for Import & Export of Medicines & Health Products told the Global Times in a previous interview.

The SCO's Forum on Traditional Chinese Medicine was held online on July 30, which was the first time the SCO held a meeting on traditional medicine.

China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on July 31 that in the fight against COVID-19, traditional Chinese medicine has made outstanding contributions, and traditional medicine in various countries has also played a unique and positive role. 

"In recent years, China and SCO countries have conducted exchanges and cooperation in the field of traditional medicine at various levels. Departments in charge of health or traditional medicine in China, Kyrgyzstan, India and others signed cooperation MOUs," said Wang.

Editor: Ting Liu