Chinese gov't aids Ghanaian hospital with medical equipment

Updated: November 11, 2020 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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The Chinese government donated a consignment of medical equipment to support health delivery at the China-Ghana Friendship Hospital Tuesday.

The items presented on behalf of the government by the Chinese medical team stationed at the hospital include ultrasound scan machines and electrocardiogram machines to augment the health service delivery at the hospital.

"Since we arrived here, we have been providing high-quality medical services. But we found that the hospital lacked some medical equipment. So, we tried our best to support them, and the Chinese government has provided this equipment to the hospital," said Shi Yongyong, chief of the Chinese medical team in Ghana.

He said the medical team would continue to do more to provide high-quality medical services to Ghanaians "as good messengers of the friendship between the two countries."

"A friend in need is a friend indeed. You have come to our aid, and you continue to support us," said Anastasia Yirenkyi, director at the alternative medicine directorate of the Ministry of Health, who received the equipment on behalf of the minister.

The China-Ghana Friendship Hospital was built in 2010. Annually, the Chinese government sends a team of medical doctors to the hospital to support health service delivery and train local doctors in modern service methods.

Editor: Liu Ting