Interview: Learning from China's achievements, Pakistan to attain further development, says Pakistani PM

Updated: January 14, 2021 Source:
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China's achievements are worth learning and Pakistan's development will be further enhanced by cooperating with China under the framework of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan recently has said.

Calling China the "iron brother" of Pakistan, the prime minister said the Pakistani people are glad to see China progressing fast in both economic recovery and political construction.

The Pakistani government is ready to draw on China's experiences in eradicating extreme poverty and anti-corruption, Khan said.

He also thanked China for helping Pakistan fight COVID-19.

Sending medical supplies and experts, and sharing helpful experiences, China's assistance, especially at the initial stage of the outbreak, is of great importance, according to the prime minister.

"If China had not helped us, I don't think we could have dealt with it as well as we did," said Khan.

On the CPEC, Khan said that under the framework the connectivity between Pakistan and other regional countries is also being improved.

"Now we are moving towards technology zones and special economic zones, where we hope that we are getting help from China," he said, adding that with special incentives and cheaper labor cost, the country hopes to attract more Chinese industries.

Pakistan is also seeking to strengthen agricultural and industrial cooperation with China, looking forward to China's help in improving its agricultural production and achieving the country's industrialization, Khan said, noting that it will help create more jobs for the young population and lift more Pakistani people out of poverty.

Referring to the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative as one of the remarkable initiatives in modern history, he said the initiative is connecting Asia to Europe, Africa and the Middle East. "It is a very far-sighted initiative," he said.

Looking ahead, he voiced hope that the iron-brother relationship between Pakistan and China will grow stronger and be more mutually beneficial to both countries.

Editor: 杜俊知