China ready to boost communication, exchanges with Indonesia in post-COVID-19 era: Wang Yi

Updated: January 15, 2021 Source:
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China stands ready to strengthen strategic communication and exchanges across all levels in the post-COVID-19 era with Indonesia to inject positive energy into regional and world peace, stability and development, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.

Wang made the remarks while holding talks with Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi on Wednesday.

Noting that last year marked the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Indonesia, Wang said the two heads of state had reached important consensus on joint fight against the pandemic and deepening of bilateral cooperation, providing strategic guidance for the development of the bilateral relations.

China-Indonesia relations have stood the test of the pandemic, opening up new prospects, he added.

Pointing out that vaccine cooperation has become a new highlight in bilateral relations and has shown the brotherly friendship between the two peoples, Wang called on the two sides to seek greater synergy between the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative and Indonesia's vision of Global Maritime Fulcrum, well implement the construction of landmark projects such as the Jakarta-Bandung high speed railway, actively push for the building of the regional comprehensive economic corridor and help promote Indonesia's industrialization.

China is willing to import more quality products from Indonesia and enable Indonesia to further share China's development opportunities, he added.

China is willing to work with Indonesia to properly manage differences and jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, Wang said, adding that China is ready to actively advance the negotiations on the code of conduct in the South China Sea so as to send a clear signal that both sides have the wisdom and capability to address the regional issue, he said.

The two countries have conducted fruitful cooperation during Indonesia's non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council, and China supported Indonesia in assuming the presidency of the Group of 20 (G20) in 2022, Wang said.

China is also willing to strengthen communication and coordination with Indonesia to improve global governance and push globalization toward the universally-beneficial, open and win-win development, he said.

Retno, for her part, said her country is ready to further deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership with China based on the development of bilateral ties in the past 70 years. She proposed that both sides launch consultation on action plans so as to reach consensus at an early date.

She hoped that Indonesia can advance the cooperation with China in production of COVID-19 vaccines and traditional medicines so as to upgrade her country's health system capability and industrial capacity.

Noting that her country wishes to set up a trade working group with China to facilitate Indonesia's exports of agricultural products to China, the Indonesian foreign minister hoped that Chinese enterprises will expand their investment in the Southeast Asian country.

Retno said Indonesia is willing to strengthen the docking of the vision of Global Maritime Fulcrum and the Belt and Road Initiative, and deepen the cooperation between the two countries in the fields of navigation safety, environmental protection as well as maritime search and rescue, among others.

The Indonesian foreign minister also hoped that peace and stability can be maintained in the South China Sea so as to ensure that it is a peaceful and stable sea.

The two sides also had an in-depth exchange of views on international and regional issues of common concern.

After their talks, they witnessed the signing of cooperation documents between the two countries.

Editor: 杜俊知