China to push for further growth of ties with Iran -- FM

Updated: October 17, 2021 Source:
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No matter how the international and regional situation changes, China will make efforts for greater development of the China-Iran comprehensive strategic partnership, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Friday.

Wang made the remarks in a phone conversation with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian.

Noting that the phone conversation between the two heads of state in August has charted the course for bilateral relations, Wang said China is willing to continue to work with Iran to firmly support each other on issues concerning their respective core interest and major concern, oppose unilateral bullying acts, and defend international fairness and justice.

The two countries need to strengthen pragmatic cooperation and steadily produce cooperation outcomes, Wang said, adding they should also continue strengthening cooperation against COVID-19 until finally defeating the pandemic.

China is also ready to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Iran in regional and international affairs, he said.

Wang said that China understands Iran's legitimate position of safeguarding its national interests on the nuclear issue and supports the resumption of negotiations to revive the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

China is willing to work with Iran and other parties to push the negotiations to advance in a direction conducive to regional peace and stability, Wang said.

The first meeting of foreign ministers of Afghanistan's neighboring countries is timely and necessary, and has been welcomed and valued by relevant parties, Wang said.

China supports the Iranian side in hosting the second meeting, Wang said, hoping the meeting can maintain the sound momentum, give full play to the advantages of neighboring countries and highlight their distinctive features, so as to contribute to the long-term stability of Afghanistan with its neighbors' efforts.

The meeting, Wang said, should also strengthen communication and coordination with other multilateral mechanisms related to Afghanistan to form greater synergy.

For his part, Abdollahian said Iran-China relations are strategic and that the new Iranian government will earnestly implement the consensus reached by the two heads of state and firmly push forward the comprehensive cooperation plan between Iran and China.

Iran, he said, thanks China for its strong support in fighting the pandemic and hopes to deepen cooperation with China in this regard.

Iran is committed to the resumption of negotiations on the JCPOA, he said, adding that all relevant parties should fulfill their obligations.

Iran is ready to work closely with China and jointly make the second meeting of foreign ministers of Afghanistan's neighboring countries a success, Abdollahian said. 

Editor: Li Shimeng