Chinese FM elaborates on China's policy towards Afghanistan

Updated: October 27, 2021 Source:
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Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Tuesday briefed the media on his contact with the delegation of the Afghan Taliban's interim government before he left the Qatari capital of Doha.

Wang noted that during his visit to Qatar, he had contact with Acting Deputy Prime Minister Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar and Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi of the Afghan Taliban's interim government, during which the Afghan side elaborated on the domestic and foreign policies pursued by the Afghan interim government.

The Afghan side has made a more positive statement on issues of China's concern as well as that of the international community, such as increasing the inclusiveness of the government, safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of women and children as well as combating terrorism, Wang said.

Wang said they also talked about bilateral exchanges and decided to set up a working level mechanism, adding that such contact is beneficial and has enhanced mutual understanding.

Wang said when the situation in Afghanistan saw a major turning point, China was the first to put forward a multiple-point expectation for Afghanistan in the future.

First, to build a more open and inclusive political structure in which every ethnic group and faction should participate and play a role.

Second, to implement moderate and steady domestic and foreign policies, including safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of women and children.

Third, to make a clear break with all terrorist forces including the Islamic State and the Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement, and take measures to resolutely crack down on them.

Fourth, to pursue a foreign policy of peace and live in harmony with other countries, especially neighboring countries.

The China-proposed expectation has become the consensus of the international community, and the key is how to realize it.

China holds that an attitude of equality and respect should be adopted to contact and communicate with all parties and ethnic groups in Afghanistan, Wang said, adding that China disapproves of constantly pressuring others and opposes threatening others with sanctions.

Noting that Afghanistan is a sovereign state, and a nation with the spirit of independence, Wang said Afghan history and multiple international incidents have proven that pointing fingers at an independent nation will only backfire. Wilful interference in other countries' internal affairs violates the basic norms governing international relations, he added.

As long as the international community keeps patient, proceeds in an orderly way and actively interacts with the Afghan interim government as well as other parties and ethnic groups, it is believed that the Afghan Taliban will more clearly recognize what can be done to better serve the fundamental and long-term interests of the Afghan people and the expectations of all parties, so as to better integrate into the international community, Wang noted.

Wang stressed that China and Afghanistan are neighbors, and the two peoples enjoy long-lasting friendly exchanges. Many Afghan friends said that China is a major country that has never bullied Afghanistan, and a great neighbor of Afghanistan.

China's policy towards Afghanistan is clear and consistent, Wang said. China respects Afghanistan's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, respects the Afghan people's pursuit of a development path that suits their national conditions, and respects the objective reality of the Afghan interim government's rule in the country.

China has never meddled in Afghanistan's internal affairs or sought any private interests, and has no intention to build any sphere of influence in the country, Wand said, adding that China will continue to heed the voices and needs of the Afghan people, help restore stability in Afghanistan within its capabilities and play a constructive role in achieving development in the country.

Wang noted that as for the temporary difficulties facing Afghanistan, China wants to make it clear that the United States and some Western countries have unshirkable responsibility.

China urged those countries to assume their due responsibilities, take practical actions as soon as possible to effectively help alleviate humanitarian crises that may arise, and do concrete things to bring tangible benefits to the Afghan people, he said.

Wang also called on the international community to make concerted efforts to ensure the true implementation of the principle of "Afghan-owned and Afghan-led" in Afghanistan. 

Editor: Yang Yifan