CIIE to boost global trade, multilateralism amid pandemic: Cambodian officials, businesspersons

Updated: November 4, 2021 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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PHNOM PENH, Nov. 4 (Xinhua) -- The fourth China International Import Expo (CIIE), scheduled from Nov. 5 to 10 in Shanghai, east China, will significantly contribute to boosting international trade and multilateralism amid the COVID-19 pandemic, said Cambodian officials and businesspersons.

Government chief spokesman Phay Siphan said the expo will be a "golden opportunity" for foreign companies to explore the Chinese market and for Chinese consumers to access imported products from all over the world.

"International exhibitors will be able to exhibit their products, services and investment projects, not only to Chinese consumers, but also to other foreign buyers and exhibitors," he told Xinhua.

"I would say that it truly shows China's unwavering commitment to promoting global trade and multilateralism and to opening the Chinese market broader to the world despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

"We have the best rice and tropical fruits such as yellow bananas and mangos, and they are very popular," Siphan said. "I hope China will increase imports of Cambodian agricultural products, helping push forward Cambodia's industrialization and its economic transformation."

The annual CIIE is the first dedicated import exhibition in the world and has seen fruitful outcomes from the past three editions.

Ministry of Commerce Secretary of State and Spokesman Seang Thay said CIIE is a large-scale trade event with the participants from multiple countries around the world.

"The 4th CIIE will be a platform for international investors and businesspersons to seek new business partners," he told Xinhua.

Thay added that the expo is also crucial to help further promote trade and investment volumes between Cambodia and China.

Despite the impact of COVID-19, trade volume between Cambodia and China saw rise during the first nine months of 2021, over the same period last year, according to a Cambodian Ministry of Commerce's report on Tuesday.

Song Saran, president of the Cambodia Rice Federation, praised China for organizing such an international event amid the pandemic, saying that the fourth CIIE would inject a new impetus into global trade.

"It truly reflects China's commitment to free trade, and there's no doubt that the expo will help broaden trade and investment ties between China and the world," he said.

The last three expos had significantly contributed to boosting Cambodian rice export to China, Saran said, adding that the Southeast Asian nation exported more rice to China during the first nine months of 2021.

"China is the only market that we see a rise in our rice export this year, as our export to other destinations has declined due to the pandemic," he said.

Chran Ponny, chief executive officer of Angkor Harvest, a mango processing factory for export to international markets, said the fourth CIIE is vital to help boost trade and investment relations between China and the world.

"It's a win-win situation and all participants will benefit from this large trade event," she said.

Editor: Duan Jing