Chinese FM meets with Ethiopian Deputy PM

Updated: December 2, 2021 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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ADDIS ABABA, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen here on Wednesday.

During their meeting after the 8th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, Wang said that China and Ethiopia enjoy traditional friendship and the two sides have become comprehensive strategic cooperative partners.

Bilateral relations have stood the test of changing international circumstances and have not been affected by external factors or domestic changes, he added.

Noting that China pursues the principle of non-interference in internal affairs, Wang said that China does not interfere in Ethiopia's internal affairs and opposes the intervention by external forces, let alone their attempt to exert pressure on Ethiopia to achieve their own political purposes.

Wang said the current conflicts in Ethiopia is, in essence, its domestic affairs, expressing confidence that Ethiopia has the ability and wisdom to resolve them through political means in accordance with the law to achieve inclusiveness and stability.

Peace talks are the only way out and the only correct choice, he noted.

The United Nations General Assembly will consider and adopt an Olympic truce resolution on Thursday, which reflects the common aspiration of people of all countries to pursue peace, Wang said, expressing his hope that all parties in Ethiopia will respond actively, stop the conflicts as soon as possible and work for lasting peace.

As a good friend, Wang said, China is ready to play a constructive role in this regard on the premise of respecting Ethiopia's sovereignty and in keeping with its needs.

For his part, Demeke said Ethiopia attaches great importance to the traditional friendship between the two countries and appreciates China's firm adherence to the principle of non-interference in internal affairs.

The two sides also exchanged views on China-Africa cooperation.

Editor: Yang Yifan