Comorian president meets with Chinese state councilor

Updated: January 8, 2022 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Comorian President Azali Assoumani meets with visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Moroni, Comoros, Jan. 6, 2022. (Xinhua/Dong Jianghui)

MORONI, Jan. 6 (Xinhua) -- Comorian President Azali Assoumani on Thursday met with visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

Asking Wang to convey his sincere greetings and heartfelt wishes to Chinese President Xi Jinping, Azali said that Wang's visit in the midst of the pandemic demonstrates the great importance that China attaches to the strategic partnership between the two countries, and the friendship that China bears towards the Comorian people.

Noting that China holds a special place in the hearts of Comorians, Azali said that his country is inspired by China's development achievements and happy to see China accelerate its national rejuvenation as China's development means opportunities for the Comoros and China's success brings along Africa's success.

Azali, on behalf of the Comorian government and people, reiterated that the Comoros will always stand together with China, Taiwan is an inseparable part of China, and China must and will be reunited.

The president thanked China for its help in the economic and social development of the Comoros, and spoke highly of China's assistance in the African nation's fight against epidemics and malaria, appreciated the important role of Chinese enterprises in the construction of infrastructure and improvement of people's livelihood in the country, and expressed his expectation that the Comoros Emerging Plan for 2030 can gain more support from China.

For his part, Wang first conveyed President Xi's cordial greetings to President Azali and thanked the Comorian support to China's legitimate stands, saying that China will also stand firmly with the Comoros on issues related to its sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity.

Since the establishment of their diplomatic relations, China and the Comoros have always understood, trusted and supported each other, creating a model of equal relationship between countries of different sizes and in different stages of development, he said.

China is willing to deepen political mutual trust with the Comoros, expand mutually beneficial cooperation and be the most reliable long-term partner of the Comoros, Wang added.

According to the minister, China is ready to help the Comoros achieve three goals:

First, to achieve universal immunization within a year. China will firmly support the country in its fight against the pandemic, and will provide as much vaccine as it needs until the Comoros completely prevails over the pandemic.

Second, to completely eliminate malaria in the country by 2025. Adding to the present effective anti-malaria cooperation, China is willing to launch a new phase of cooperation and continue to provide specific drugs.

Third, to support the Comoros Emerging Plan for 2030. China is willing to work together with the Comoros to make the completed projects effective and provide assistance to the Comoros in promoting new projects after taking sufficient scientific verification and feasibility studies.

Recalling the attendance of President Azali at the opening ceremony of the 8th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, Wang said that China supports the Comoros to take advantage of its status as a dual-member of the African Union and the League of Arab States to promote China-Comoros friendship, China-Arab and China-Africa cooperation.

Azali highly appreciated the major initiatives announced by President Xi on cooperation with Africa, thanked China for supporting African countries in safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests at the United Nations, and is willing to continue to strengthen communication and coordination with China on multilateral affairs and regional cooperation.

On the same day, Wang also held talks with Comorian Foreign Minister Dhoihir Dhoulkamal. 

Editor: Gao Jingyan