Chinese, UAE FMs talk about bilateral cooperation over phone

Updated: January 14, 2022 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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BEIJING, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Thursday held a phone conversation with his counterpart of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, over bilateral relations.

China appreciates the UAE's support for the smooth going of the National Day of China Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, Wang said, adding China will continue to support the UAE in making the Expo one of the most successful Expos to help the UAE enhance its international status and influence, and open up new space for diversified development.

Wang welcomed all countries to visit the China Pavilion, saying he believes the pavilion will serve as a window for enhancing mutual understanding and friendship with China.

China and the UAE are comprehensive strategic partners and bilateral cooperation in various fields is at the forefront of China's cooperation with countries in the region, Wang noted.

China appreciates the UAE's understanding of and support for China's legitimate propositions on issues concerning China's core interests, Wang said, adding that China also supports the UAE in pursuing a development path suited to its national conditions.

China always views its relations with the UAE from a strategic and long-term perspective and stands ready to work with the Arab country to continuously advance and deepen their comprehensive strategic partnership under the guidance of the leaders of the two countries, Wang said.

For his part, Sheikh Abdullah thanked China for its valuable and strong support for the UAE to successfully host the Expo and fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The UAE attaches great importance to its friendship with China and always puts bilateral relations as a priority in its diplomacy, he said.

Noting that the UAE and China are strategic partners as well as true friends in need, Sheikh Abdullah said that the UAE-China relationship has become a model of international relations.

Both sides adhere to the principle of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs and believe that the fight against COVID-19 should be conducted in a scientific manner, said Sheikh Abdullah, adding that the UAE stands ready to implement the consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries and push for greater development of bilateral cooperation in various areas.

Wang said that anti-pandemic cooperation between China and the UAE serves as an example of international solidarity against COVID-19 and further deepens friendship and mutual trust between the two sides.

Noting that the trade volume between the two countries increased substantially last year despite headwinds, Wang said China has full confidence in the prospects of bilateral relations, and the China-UAE relations will surely become more resilient and stable.

China will continue to ensure the steady supply of vaccines and concentrates to the UAE, make solid progress in building Chinese vaccines filling and packing lines, carry out joint research and development of anti-COVID-19 drugs, and further strengthen cooperation in energy, production capacity, finance and high technology, so as to produce more practical cooperation outcomes, Wang said.

Sheikh Abdullah said the UAE supports China in hosting the Beijing Winter Olympics and wishes the Beijing Winter Olympics a complete success.

Wang said China welcomes leaders of the UAE to attend the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, and would like to take this opportunity to raise bilateral relations to new levels and achieve new results in cooperation in various fields.

The two sides also exchanged views on deepening cooperation between China and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

Sheikh Abdullah said the UAE supports the joint statement recently issued by the GCC secretariat and China, and fully agrees to establish a free trade area between the GCC and China as soon as possible.

Wang stressed that China stands ready to work with the Gulf countries to speed up the construction of the free trade area, so as to provide good news for and inject new impetus into efforts to develop the economy of both sides and the world at large.

Congratulating the UAE on serving as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, Wang said China is willing to work closely with the UAE to solve hotspot issues, maintain communication and coordination in the face of global challenges, and stick to and practice true multilateralism, as well as promote democracy in international relations, jointly defend regional peace and stability, protect the legitimate rights and interests of emerging markets, and safeguard international justice.

Both sides also exchanged views on issues related to Yemen, the Iran nuclear deal and the Middle East. 

Editor: Yu Huichen