Interview: Olympic Games should not be politicized, says Russian sports minister

Updated: February 17, 2022 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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MOSCOW, Feb. 16 (Xinhua) -- Politics should be kept out of sports, Russian Sports Minister Oleg Matytsin said in an interview with Xinhua.

The so-called "diplomatic boycott" from some Western politicians "has had no impact on the athletes and the event is being carried out as planned," said the minister.

Matytsin said that Russia has always opposed the politicization of sport, and the Olympic Games should not be used as a platform for political expression.

Russia strongly supported China's efforts aimed at hosting a successful event, he said, noting that all athletes must focus on achieving the best results and winning medals, and the additional pressure and provocations only distract the participants.

China has been able to perfectly organize such a large-scale event amid an ongoing pandemic, the minister said. "The games are organized impeccably, with all sporting events held at a high level," he added.

Russia plans to exchange its experience with China and share best practices in organizing sports events so as to encourage the people of both countries to participate in sports activities, he said.

"Russia and China are long-standing partners, and we are pleased with the success of our Chinese colleagues in sports, including at the Olympic Games," Matytsin added.

Editor: Li Shimeng