​Hisense signs intelligent transportation agreement with Ethiopia

Updated: March 22, 2022 Source: Belt and Road Portal
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Hisense TransTech Co., Ltd. (Hisense) have concluded an intelligent public bus transportation agreement with the city administration of Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, to kick off a public tranportation modernization project, according to an online media meeting held by Hisense on March 18.

With a construction period of 21 months, the project will modernize the city's public bus transportation system with intelligent digital management devices to improve the operation efficiency of local public transportation.

Bus travel is one of the most important transportation among local people while few people experience the convenient service there, which drives Hisense with advanced technology and experience to help local city into "fast track" of transportation development.

On-board video surveillance of local buses in Ethiopia is not connected to the Internet, and the bus command center is incapable of monitoring and dealing with emergencies in time. Bus dispatching relies on manual operation, making citizens' outing inconvenient, said Jia Yupeng, a director of Hisense.

Upon completion, citizens will be able to obtain real-time bus information through APP and electronic passenger information screen. Meanwhile, bus enterprises will realize real-time monitoring, remote control and intelligent scheduling of buses, said Mou Sangang, a manager of Hisense.

Editor: Jiang Feifan