Interview: University rector optimistic about Uzbekistan-China relations

Updated: March 30, 2022 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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TASHKENT, March 29 (Xinhua) -- Uzbekistan-China ties have remained strong since the two countries established diplomatic relations three decades ago, an expert told Xinhua recently.

Ulugbek Azizov, rector of the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages, made the remarks as the five Central Asian countries, including Uzbekistan, are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with China this year, which is a "landmark event and has a key importance in the history of the countries in this region."

Speaking specifically on Uzbekistan-China relations, Azizov said that thanks to joint efforts, the two countries have managed to lay a solid foundation for practical cooperation and have upgraded ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Along with a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of Uzbekistan, he said China has also provided crucial assistance in developing science, education and personnel training, including for Chinese language studies.

In recent years, the number of Uzbeks studying the Chinese language has grown tenfold, said the expert, noting in the early 90s, only a few hundred people were learning Chinese. Today, there are thousands, he said.

Most learners are in private schools and centers, Confucius Institutes in Tashkent and Samarkand, and departments and faculties of Chinese philology at the country's higher educational institutions, among which the Uzbekistan State University of World Languages occupies a special place.

"(The) interest in studying Chinese by students of the university is growing from year to year. Chinese has been studied at the university as the main and second foreign language since 2010. Our students regularly participate in the international competition 'Chinese Language Bridge', which annually gathers Chinese speakers from throughout the country," the rector said.

"Uzbekistan and China have a common goal and have great prospects for interaction. In cooperation with our Chinese colleagues, we will make our contribution to the further development of friendship between our peoples and states," Azizov noted.

The expert also discussed relations between China and the five central Asian countries at large, saying that the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative will contribute to further integrating these countries into the world community.

According to Azizov, during the past three decades, the region's countries have achieved unprecedented economic and social success, in large part due to beneficial cooperation with China. 

Editor: Yu Huichen