Freight train from China coming to Bratislava after one year break

Updated: October 30, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Expected to arrive with containers in two weeks, the first Chinese freight train to Bratislava has left its homeport in Dalian, Slovak Transport and Construction Minister Arpad Ersek announced Friday.

The trial train from China is the first ever whose route will cross almost the whole of Slovak territory, Ersek said, adding that rail freight transport from China to Slovakia has been resumed after a break of over one year.

"Transport of containers to Slovakia means significant headway in rail freight transport in Slovakia. It's chiefly about saving time, and it also opens up new trading opportunities," said Ersek, who views it as an opportunity for further developing cooperation with Chinese, Ukrainian and Russian partners.

The Chinese Communications and Transportation Association estimates that around 500 trains will run from China to Europe via Slovakia in 2018, according to Ersek.

Editor: zhangjunmian